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The Marismas del Odiel Biosphere Reserve is recognised by Unesco as having one of the most outstanding, productive tidal systems in the world. Thanks to its dynamism, it provides a link between marshes, beaches, pine forests, lagoons, forests and dunes.
It is located at the final part of the Odiel river basin, with rich, diverse vegetation; from the marsh itself, to the pines, cork oaks, wild olive trees, myrtle, mastic trees, rockrose and rosemary. The variety and amount of it welcomes wildlife, with residents such as spoonbills, flamingos and terns, who all use it as a breeding ground. A population of osprey also exists, following the recent success of a reintroduction program.

Human activity
The natural wealth of Marismas del Odiel is complemented by its historical and cultural past, which links the marshes and their surrounding lands with ancient Mediterranean and Atlantic trade routes. The result is a socio-economic structure in which uses of the sea are combined with those derived from marshes and land consolidation. Boatbuilding, shellfishing, hunting, and the use of the forest are trades and past times which are deeply rooted among the inhabitants.
In 2017, after its expansion, the Marismas del Odiel Biosphere Reserve began a new phase, complying with Unesco requirements by having a transition zone. The Environmental Administration, the towns and the inhabitants themselves must continue working together for a sustainable future from ventures such as fishing, salt flats, aquaculture, agriculture and birdlife tourism.

The Marismas del Odiel has been an area of strategic importance for thousands of years and is therefore home to numerous examples of Andalusian historical and cultural heritage such as the Roman salting factory, “almadrabas” (Phoenician fishing), salt marshes, etc.
Additionally, the ethnographically valuable Bacuta salt flats; the traditional shipyard of Punta Umbría, the medieval city ruins of Saltés; the early 20th century Tinto dock which was given Cultural Property status in 2003; the Alfarero tide mill, where flour was obtained to make Aljaraque bread; and the Reina Victoria neighbourhood, which dates from the beginning of the 20th century and was home for the Rio Tinto and Tharsis mine workers.

  • Provinces Huelva
  • Icono Municipios
    Municipalities Aljaraque, Gibraleón, Huelva, Punta Umbría
  • Icono Superficie
    Total area 18.875,29 ha.
  • Icono Calendario
    Declaration Date 08 - December - 1984



A lovely way to really get to know the Marismas del Odiel is to take a boat trip *. During the trip you will be able to appreciate the flatness of the landscape and the spectacle of sound and colour put on by the multitude of birds that inhabit and feed in these shallow waters.

This fascinating natural area is suitable for hiking. If you walk along the Calatilla de Bacuta trail, you will see two ways that one of the most important natural resources in the area, salt, has been extracted: the traditional salt pans of Bacuta, and the industrial Aragonese ones. If you do the Cascajera trail *, you will come across one of the most untouched areas, where the ground is literally lined with seashells. There is a peculiar type of vegetation called “calcicola” growing here. It is able to survive because it has adapted to develop in soils which are rich in the main component of the shells: calcium carbonate.

You can also take a minibus tour * or train *, during which you will find out about the various ecosystems that make up this environment, such as lagoons, marshes and forests. Stops are made along the way at a number of observatories, especially good for bird watching in this natural protected area. If you are really quiet, you will see birds currently under threat, such as the beautiful spoonbill or the osprey in its majestic flight.

* Arranged, guided visits.

enlace ecoturismos andaluz
Go to our visitor centres, information points and ecomuseums to get the most out of your visit.

Go to our visitor centres, information points and ecomuseums to get the most out of your visit.

Follow the recommendations and comply with the regulations at all times

Follow the recommendations and comply with the regulations at all times

Respect the facilities put at your disposal. We all pay for its maintenance.

Respect the facilities put at your disposal. We all pay for its maintenance.

Help prevent fires. Do not throw cigarettes or any other object that produces combustion.

Help prevent fires. Do not throw cigarettes or any other object that produces combustion.

Trash doesn't come back alone. Take it with you to the nearest container. Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Trash doesn't come back alone. Take it with you to the nearest container. Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Noise is another form of pollution. In silence you will enjoy your experience more.

Noise is another form of pollution. In silence you will enjoy your experience more.

Live respectfully with the locals and other users. Respect private property.

Live respectfully with the locals and other users. Respect private property.

Facilitate use for people with special needs.

Facilitate use for people with special needs.

By consuming local products and counting on local companies, you will contribute to rural development.

By consuming local products and counting on local companies, you will contribute to rural development.

Practice responsible tourism and committed to the environment. Be a true ecotourist!

Practice responsible tourism and committed to the environment. Be a true ecotourist!

Never leave your pet in the wild. It would endanger the flora and fauna of the place.

Never leave your pet in the wild. It would endanger the flora and fauna of the place.

Get around in a sustainable way: public transport, bicycle, on foot, electric or shared vehicle ... Park in the designated places

Get around in a sustainable way: public transport, bicycle, on foot, electric or shared vehicle ... Park in the designated places

Do not leave a trace of your passage through nature. The best memory you can take with you is your own photograph.

Do not leave a trace of your passage through nature. The best memory you can take with you is your own photograph.

Your safety is our concern, but it is your responsibility.

Your safety is our concern, but it is your responsibility.

The conservation of natural spaces is also in your hands. Thank you for your collaboration!

The conservation of natural spaces is also in your hands. Thank you for your collaboration!



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